Delegates from USAID-Health, PEPFAR, CDC, and Implementing Partners visited Ayder Hospital, College of Health Sciences at Mekelle University.

 Delegates from USAID-Health, PEPFAR, CDC, and Implementing Partners visited Ayder Hospital, College of Health Sciences at Mekelle University.
Delegates from USAID-Health, PEPFAR, CDC, and Implementing Partners visited Ayder Hospital, College of Health Sciences at Mekelle University on August 8, 2024. Dr. Abraha Gebreegziabher, Chief Clinical Director of Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, welcomed the guests and briefed them on the activities accomplished in the hospital and college, citing the support provided through the partners since Ayder Hospital opened and the College ran its training programs by exemplifying enabling partnerships. Mr. Amanuel Tesfay, Vice Chief Academic and Research Director, described the activities carried out through the Health Workforce Improvement Program under USAID and implemented by Jhpiego. Challenges faced were discussed, and requests were made for support processes to catch up. The delegates shared their views, visited psychiatry, ART, One-Stop Center services of the hospital, and had discussions.

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