Public University Presidents' Forum launches at Mekelle University, Mitiku Haile Hall.

Public University Presidents' Forum launches at Mekelle University, Mitiku Haile Hall.

Public University Presidents Forum Ddr Fana
Welcoming today's guests, MU President Dr. Fana Hagos expressed her happiness while thanking partners for hosting.
The president noted that the university has been through immense challenges.
But, she says, the institution has been relentlessly working on strengthening international ties to help the university reconnect itself with former partners.
While thanking the universty's academic and support staff for their unresereved dedication, she underscored for the release of unpaid salaries that have been damaging the universities staff morally and economically.
She also pleaded participants in extending their hands for help in exerting pressure on the concerned government body.

Public University Presidents Forum Pro kindeya
Head for the Cabinet of Social Transformation in the TIRA and former president of MU Prof. Kindeya Gebrehiwet also welcomed the guests while also noting that Tigray's education has been severely damaged for the last three and more years due to COVID 19 and the devastating war that followed .
On the other hand, Kindeya said, the relative peace has brought hope amidst ongoing challenges.
Once again, the former president reiterated on the need for cooperation to end the suffering .

Public University Presidents Forum Kora Tushune
Kora Tushune, State Minister to the Ethiopian Ministry of Education, also welcomed the guests to the forum that he said is a continuation of the Higher Education Reform Council Forum that was held in Jimma under the motto of "Higher Education for Higher Impact".
In his opening remarks the State Minister said Ethiopian higher education is at a "cross road" hence facing emerging challenges, issues of quality, good governnace, funding and others.
He says desciplined and strategic commitment from stakeholders is demanded to transform the education system .
For this to happen, he says, identifiying, monitoring and following up are needed to reexamine the process and the result.
As to the schedule, issues of reform, diferentiation as a path to academic excellence ,autonomy, deepening research and community engagement, digital transformation and policy recommendations will be discussed.
The two_day forum will continue until tomorrow May 17,2024.

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